Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Confederate Flag

So it begins again.(I swiped this line from my friend Jason Mike Huckabee rolls out the first hate bomb of the campaign season. Advocating the Confederate flag is such a cheap pandering tactic. I get the idea of states rights. I get that many people died on both sides for all the wrong reasons. I get that most of those Confederate soldiers were not slave owners. But you just cannot deny the racist baggage it carries. On Bill Maher last week, DL Hughley said what all Black people know, that invoking the Confederate flag is code for "we hate Black folks". Trace Adkins half heartedly tried to make the case that this is not what White people in the south are about when they invoke the flag, but come on. The swastika may be some sort of positive Indian symbol in reverse but it does not negate its power to an Aushwitz survivor. The Confederate flag is equally woven into our fabric.

I hope Huckabee is ready for the explosion to come. Besides the one happening to his waistline.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Huckabee blows