Thursday, January 24, 2008

Just Say No

It seems like the last few years has seen the major grocery stores, I suppose in some attempt to bring back that old fashioned customer service has instituted the policy of asking every person buying anything, if they need help out. To this question, just say no. There is nothing more irritating than seeing an able bodied person letting someone else schlep their stuff. Granted, there are plenty of people who genuinely need assistance, but come on. I bet that 95% of the people who do ask for help are the same ugly people who don't let you merge into their lane on the freeway(you know who you are, oh cowards who creeps your car forward without having the dignity to look me in the eye as you don't let me in)

It really boils down to personal responsibility does it not? When did it become ok to not pull one's own weight?

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